Koblarska Cave near Kočevje - a prehistoric cemetery and cult area

Anthropological analysis of the skeletal remains with a description of the grave goods


  • Pavel Jamnik
  • Petra Leben-Seljak
  • Janez Bizjak
  • Brane Horvat


The article describes the discovery of archaeological material on the surface in Koblarska Cave near Kočevje and reports on the anthropological analysis of the skeletal remains of at least 13 individuals. Without any excavation, new data was acquired about the prehistoric cemetery, where the deceased were placed in rock niches along the cave walls or were buried in tumuli. The authors voice the opinion that the cave was chosen for a cemetery because of passage C1 and the rock niches, which awaken an association with the vulva, symbolizing an entrance into Mother Earth.


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How to Cite

Jamnik, P. ., Leben-Seljak, P. ., Bizjak, J. ., & Horvat, B. . (2002). Koblarska Cave near Kočevje - a prehistoric cemetery and cult area: Anthropological analysis of the skeletal remains with a description of the grave goods. Arheološki Vestnik, 53. Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/av/article/view/8400


