The Weight of Objects in Late Bronze Age Hoards in Slovenia and Possibilities for Determining Weight Standards
Presented are select objects from Slovene Late Bronze Age hoards, which evidence significant weight regularities. An intelligible sequence of weight units can be established on the basis of a two-piece hollow sphere and a perforated bead from the Grabe hoard and wheel-shaped pendants from the Kanalski Vrh I hoard; on the basis of their basic weight unit of 10.975 g, numerous analogies exist between these examples and weight standards throughout the European and Mediterranean area. In continuation, significant regularities in the relationship between weight and number ratios of individual groups of wheel-shaped pendants from the Kanalski Vrh I hoard are presented. They demonstrate that the objects should not be interpreted as profane finds, rather as an expression of the religious activities of the Bronze Age inhabitants corresponding with their communications with the sacred.
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