Palaeolithic flutes: Divje babe I, Istállóskő, Lokve etc. Viewpoints of experts and their adversaries

Critical survey of the “Archaeological appraisal of the Divje babe I specimen No652”,and arguments to defend the specimens PB51/20 and Pb606 of the HNM Budapest


  • François Zoltán Horusitzky


The  presumed  or  probably  palaeolithic  “flutes”  of  Divjebabe  I  and  Istállóskő  caves,  with  other  “possible  flutes”  arediscussed on an objective basis. Refutation of the absolutelysure affirmations of the opposing party. Errors and tendentioustables are pointed out. There are only probabilities and subjectiveconvictions  in  this  field  and  archaeology  must  cohabit  withdreams


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How to Cite

Zoltán Horusitzky, F. . . (2003). Palaeolithic flutes: Divje babe I, Istállóskő, Lokve etc. Viewpoints of experts and their adversaries: Critical survey of the “Archaeological appraisal of the Divje babe I specimen No652”,and arguments to defend the specimens PB51/20 and Pb606 of the HNM Budapest. Arheološki Vestnik, 54. Retrieved from


