The Arcade Tomb in Šempeter, Slovenia- an attempt at a reconstruction


  • Andreja Maver


Šempeter v Savinjski dolini; Roman peroid;archaeology; Noricum; funerary architecture


The  article  presents  the  reconstruction  of  the  fifth  tombfrom Šempeter - the Arcade Tomb. It is composed of a closed,probably  two-tiered,  socle  with  an  accentuated  vertical  divi-sion, an open upper storey with a canopy in its interior, andcovered by a gabled roof. It takes the form of an aedicula tomb,more  precisely  an  aedicula  tomb  with  several  intercolumnia-tions and a portico. Its particular feature, however, is the formof the upper storey. This shows a combination of two types offunerary  monuments,  and  aedicula  and  a  baldachin  tomb,combined here in a single tomb


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How to Cite

Maver, A. . . (2004). The Arcade Tomb in Šempeter, Slovenia- an attempt at a reconstruction. Arheološki Vestnik, 55. Retrieved from



Roman period