Anthropological analysis of skeletal remains from the Late Roman Necropolis at Rifnik
Rifnik above Šentjur near Celje; Slovenia; LateRoman Period necropolis; anthropology; craniometry; dentalcaries; paleopathology; biparietal atrophyAbstract
The author relates the results of an anthropological analy-sis of preserved skeletons from the Late Roman Period necropolisat Rifnik near Celje (5th-7th century); however, the skeletal seriesalso contains some skeletons from other, yet unidentified, sites.The results present an attempt to identify the skeletons, theirsex and age structure, cranial and tooth characteristics, pathologicalparticularities, epigenetic traits, and a description of preservedskeletal remains. Due to the poor state of preservation of thematerial the goal of the analysis, to obtain a referential skel-etal series for the Late Roman Period in Slovenia, was not achieved.
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