Contribution of Divje babe I (Slovenia)to the chronology of the Late Pleistocene between the Alps and the Dinarids
Divje babe I; Slovenia; sedimentology; geochemistry; chronology; Late Pleistocene; MIS 3Abstract
The contribution discusses the chronology of the Late Pleis-tocene (MIS 5-3, ”isotope stage” 5-3) on the basis of Palae-olithic cave sites. The main stress of the article is methodol-ogy and field techniques. The first part provides a critical reviewof the situation until 1990, when the author took over leader-ship of Palaeolithic research. The second part presents a newchronology and relevant stratotypes of the Divje babe I site.Stratotype MIS 3 is best represented. Using chronometry andclimatochronology, the site is also compared with other stra-totypes of the Würm glaciation.
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