Settlement Structures in Prekmurje from the Air


  • Branko Kerman


Systematic archaeological aerial reconnaissance of the Prekmurje region is underway since 1997. Ninety archaeological sites have been reconnoitered up till now. The sites are classified according to the shapes of the structures that are manifested on the geographic surface as cropmarks. Tumulus necropoli, settlements, Roman villae and communications routes, all attributed to various archaeological periods, have been discovered. The majority of archaeological records were documented in the region between the Mura river and Ledava; the largest concentration lies along the Dobel stream that flows near Murska Sobota.


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How to Cite

Kerman, B. . (1999). Settlement Structures in Prekmurje from the Air. Arheološki Vestnik, 50. Retrieved from



Special issue: 50th jubilee of the journal