Nekaj pojasnil o Crveni Stijeni


  • Mitja Brodar


Crna Gora/Montenegro; Crvena Stijena; Me-solithic


Several discussions have taken place in the last several years concerning the Mesolithic site of Crvena Stijena without the authors having knowledge either of the site itself or the articles previously published on the subject of Crvena Stijena. The author in response provides some data about the Mesolithic stratum and its boundaries. Series of explanations are offered about the course of excavations along with certain details about this specific Mesolithic culture.


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BASLER, Đ. 1975, Stariji litički periodi u Crvenoj Stijeni. - V: Crvena Stijena. Zbornik radova, 11-120, Nikšič.

BENAC, A. 1957, Crvena Stijena - 1955. (I-IV stratum). - Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu 12, 19-50.

BENAC, A. 1958, Stratum I-IV. - V: Benac, Brodar 1958, 21-42.

BENAC, A. 1975, Uvod. - V: Crvena Stijena. Zbornik radova, 1-6, Nikšič.

BENAC, A. in M. BRODAR 1958, Crvena Stijena - 1956. - Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu 13, 21-64.

BRODAR, M. 1957, Crvena Stijena - 1955. (Stratum V). - Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu12, 51-55.

BRODAR, M. 1958, Stratum V-XIV. - V: Benac, Brodar 1958, 43-64.

BRODAR, M. 1958-59, Crvena Stijena, eine neue Paläolithstation aus dem Balkan in Jugoslawien. - Quartär 10/11, 227-236.

BRODAR, M. 1962, Crvena Stijena 1958 i 1959. - Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu 17, 15-20.

BRODAR, M. 2001, Notwendige Erklärungen zur Crvena stijena. ¬ Quartär 51/52, 55-80.

BRUNNACKER, K. 1975, Die Sedimente der Crvena Stijena. - V: Crvena Stijena. Zbornik radova, 171-203, Nikšič.

KAVUR, B. 2005, Razmerje med informacijo in interpretacijo. - Arheo 23, 5-13.

MALEZ, M. 1975, Kvartarna fauna Crvene Stijene. - V: Crvena Stijena. Zbornik radova, 147-169, Nikšič.

MIHAILOVIĆ, D. 1994, The upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic stone industries of Montenegro. - V: The palaeolithic archaeology of Greece and adjacent areas, British school at Athens. Studies 3, 343-356.

MONTET-WHITE, A. 1996, Le Paléolithique en ancienne Yougoslavie. - Préhistoire d ́Europe 4, Grenoble



How to Cite

Brodar, M. . (2007). Nekaj pojasnil o Crveni Stijeni. Arheološki Vestnik, 58. Retrieved from


