Numismatic finds of the 4th-3rd centuries BC from Kale at Krševica (southeastern Serbia)


  • Petar Popović


Central Balkans; Kale-Krševica; settlement from the 4th-3th centuries BC; numismatic finds; Philip II; Alexander III; Cassander; Demetrios Poliorketes; Damastion; Pelagia


Kale at Krševica is at present the northernmost site with the characteristics of an urban settlement from the 4th and first decades of the 3rd centuries BC. Finds of coins of Philip II, Alexander III, Cassander, Demetrios Poliorketes and Pelagia cor-respond in general to the chronological span of the archaeological material discovered so far in the course of excavations.


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How to Cite

Popović, P. . (2007). Numismatic finds of the 4th-3rd centuries BC from Kale at Krševica (southeastern Serbia). Arheološki Vestnik, 58. Retrieved from


