Eine dreischleifige Bogenfibel mit dreieckiger Fußplatte aus Bosnien


  • Mario Gavranović


East and central Bosnia; Slavonia; Group Dalj inhumation graves, triple loop bow fibulae, double loop bow fibulae, foreign elements, migrations


The article discusses a triple loop bow fibulae and double loop bow fibulae with scribed bow and high triangular foot. This type has not been clearly defined in the past researches. The main spread region of this jewellery is central and east-ern Bosnia with concentration on the Bosna river valley and its tributaries. Except in the settlements of Debelo Brdo near Sarajevo and Bare near Tuzla, the described type is generally found as a grave good in inhumation graves of this region and can be, according to the accompanied finds, assigned to a male accessory.Corresponding finds of this type in the region of eastern Sla-vonia (Srijem) indicate a movement of groups and/or individuals from the main spread area into the Pannonian lowlands. This type of fibulae and inhumation are both foreign elements in primarily Urnfield cemeteries of Slavonia. The chronological frame of the described fibulae can be placed between the end of the eighth century and the first half of the seventh century B.C


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How to Cite

Gavranović, M. . (2007). Eine dreischleifige Bogenfibel mit dreieckiger Fußplatte aus Bosnien. Arheološki Vestnik, 58. Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/av/article/view/8204


