
  • Julijana Visočnik


antiquity; Roman empire; Noricum; Celeia; Roman army; military units; military functions


The  author  presents  military  inscriptions  from  Celeia  and  its surroundings except the inscriptions of beneficiarii; they are listed only in a table since they were analysed elsewhere. The inscriptions are collected in a catalogue (division town – ager). In the commentary they are analysed according to the military functions and units attested on them. The author outlines vari-ous other peculiarities: names, iconography, linguistic and other characteristics. The majority of the military inscriptions from Celeia  are  funerary  monuments;  there  are  only  three  votive  altars  and  two  honorific  slabs.  Many  of  the  Celeian  soldiers  served  in  the  legion  II  Italica,  the  only  Norican  legion.  The  inscriptions  mostly  attest  common  soldiers  and  veterans  but  praetorians and centurions are also documented.


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How to Cite

Visočnik, J. . (2008). ROMAN MILITARY INSCRIPTIONS FROM CELEIA AND ITS SURROUNDINGS. Arheološki Vestnik, 59. Retrieved from