Mammal fauna from the Bronze Age site at Mali Otavnik near Bistra in the Ljubljansko barje


  • Borut Toškan


Slovenia; Ljubljansko barje; Early Bronze Age; mammal remains; hunting


The faunistic sample from the Bronze Age site at Mali Otavnik near Bistra (the Ljubljansko barje, central Slovenia) is rather small (N = 148, NISP = 72), but nevertheless revealed at least 13 spe-cies of large mammals, only five of which were domestic. Game species predominate also in the number of identified specimens (NISP),  with  their  share  exceeding  70  %.  In  this  respect,  Mali  Otavnik  differs  considerably  from  most  contemporary  sites  in  the  wider  region,  where  the  (remains  of)  wild  animals  usually  appear in very small numbers. The most plausible reasons for the unusual faunistic picture revealed by this site lie in the cultural preferences  of  the  people  living  there,  in  the  specific  natural  characteristics of the Ljubljansko barje during the Bronze Age, but possibly also in the function of the settlement.


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How to Cite

Toškan, B. . (2008). Mammal fauna from the Bronze Age site at Mali Otavnik near Bistra in the Ljubljansko barje. Arheološki Vestnik, 59. Retrieved from


