A Dufour bladelet from Potočka zijalka (Slovenia)


  • Boštjan Odar


Slovenia; Potočka zijalka – Aurignacian; Dufour bladelet; bone points; Croatia; Vindija – Neanderthals


At one of the most important Aurignacian sites in Europe, the  cave  of  Potočka  zijalka,  part  of  a  bladelet  of  the  Dufour  type  was  recently  discovered.  It  was  lying  on  the  surface  of  the heap of sediments excavated by Srečko Brodar in the years 1928–1929  in  the  rear  of  the  cave.  Potočka  zijalka  is  known  primarily  for  the  125  bone  points  and  11  other  bone  tools  found there in a perfect state of preservation and bearing the age  of  approximately  30,000  years.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  almost  contemporaneously  with  the  appearance  and  use  of  the  bone  points  from  Potočka  zijalka,  the  nearby  cave  site  of Vindija in Croatia was used by the Neanderthals, the bone remains of which were uncovered in the youngest Mousterian G1 complex of Vindija together with bone points


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How to Cite

Odar, B. . (2008). A Dufour bladelet from Potočka zijalka (Slovenia). Arheološki Vestnik, 59. Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/av/article/view/8170


