The worship of Savus and Nemesis in Andautonia


  • Ivan Knezović


Andautonia; Roman Empire; Savus; Nemesis; topography; Roman port; amphitheatre; Zagreb region


Two monuments from Andautonia, present-day Ščitarjevo near  Zagreb,  provide  evidence  of  the  cults  attested  at  the Roman town and serve as guidelines to its topography: an altar  dedicated  to  the  river  deity Savus  and  a  stele  with the relief of the goddess Nemesis. The position where the altar dedicated to Savus was found and the content of the inscription  indicate  the  possible  location  of  the  town’s river-port.  Monuments  dedicated  to  Savus  found  along the  river  are  associated  with  the  profession  of  travellers seeking the protection of the river deity in their business ventures. The find from Andautonia attests to the role of the  town  in  river  traffic  in  Roman  times.  The  depiction of Nemesis on a stele not only supports the conjecture of gladiatorial  combats  in  Andautonia  held  in  venues  spe-cifically  assigned  for  such  events,  but  also  suggests  other aspects  of  the  worship  of  Nemesis  in  Andautonia  and testifies  to  the  great  importance  of  her  cult.  Inscriptions on both monuments provide additional information about the  people  and  social  groups  connected  with  the  cults  of Savus and Nemesis in Andautonia.


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How to Cite

Knezović, I. . (2010). The worship of Savus and Nemesis in Andautonia. Arheološki Vestnik, 61. Retrieved from



Roman period