Late La Tène scabbards with non-ferrous openwork plates


  • Janka Istenič


Late La tène; early Roman period; openwork decoration; scabbards; swords; brass


this  article  looks  at  a  group  of  swords  and  associated scabbards  from  the  transition  of  the  Late  La tène  to  the Roman period. Werner (1977) put forward the hypothesis of  their  Norican  origin,  while  in  later  publications  their production on the territory of the treveri is also presumed.Our research has shown that parts of all four items from Slovenia for which the composition of the metal has been determined, are of pure brass. In view of the fact that the same applies to the three analysed items of this group from Germany and Slovakia, as well as the finding that the name stamp  on  one  of  the  swords  of  the  group  reveals  a  Latin name, we assume that they were made in a Celto-Roman milieu; their distribution seems to suggest North-eastern ancient Italy as the possible area of their production.


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How to Cite

Istenič, J. . (2010). Late La Tène scabbards with non-ferrous openwork plates. Arheološki Vestnik, 61. Retrieved from



Roman period