The use of lidar-derived relief models in archaeological topography The Kobarid region (Slovenia) case study


  • Benjamin Štular


archaeology, lidar, DEM, archaeological topography


The aim of this article is to evaluate the extent and nature of the new archaeological information that can be extracted from lidar-derived high-resolution relief models. The lidar data from the Kobarid region (Slovenia) derives from 2007 and has been used in the form of a relief model with a halfmetre grid. The availability of excellent archaeological data gathered in the publicly available databases (ARKAS, RNKD) has been of equal importance for this article. The focus of the article is the presentation of seventeen archaeological sites, six find-spots and three off-site complexes. The previously known data are presented separately from the lidar-derived information in order to enable the reader to reach objective conclusions regarding the importance of lidar-derived data. This is followed by a case study on the settlements from the Late Antiquity period focusing on the endorsed methods of the lidar-derived data use. Although no new archaeological sites (from periods until the Early Middle Ages) have been discovered, a large amount of new data pertaining to the off-site archaeology has been gathered.


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How to Cite

Štular, B. (2011). The use of lidar-derived relief models in archaeological topography The Kobarid region (Slovenia) case study. Arheološki Vestnik, 62. Retrieved from