New information on the Palaeolithic and palaeontological sites in the Črni Kal and Črnotiče quarries above Koper, Slovenia


  • Pavel Jamnik
  • Matija Križnar
  • Matija Turk


Slovenia, Črni Kal, Črnotiče, Moustérian, Clactonian flake, Pleistocene mammal fauna, incisions on bones


The expansion of the Črni Kal and Črnotiče quarries, located next to one another on Kraški rob (Karst edge) above the Bay of Koper, revealed various karstic features, such as enlarged erosive cracks, sinkholes and even caves. These are usually filled with Pleistocene deposits. During a visit to the Črni Kal quarry, a retouched stone flake was found in such a deposit. Its findspot is a known Palaeolithic and paleontological site, excavated in 1955. The article attempts to stratigraphically locate the newly found stone tool and to define it typologically. It also preliminary presents some new paleontological finds from the Črni Kal quarry and offers a more detailed look at the bone fragment with incisions from the Črnotiče quarry. The latter lay in a Pleistocene deposit and probably points to a new Palaeolithic site.


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How to Cite

Jamnik, P., Križnar, M., & Turk, M. (2013). New information on the Palaeolithic and palaeontological sites in the Črni Kal and Črnotiče quarries above Koper, Slovenia. Arheološki Vestnik, 64. Retrieved from


