Apollo Belenos on Norican and Tauriscan coins


  • Tomislav Bilić


2nd and 1st c. BC, Apollo, Belenos, Belinos, coins, Norici, Taurisci


The head on the obverse of Norican and Tauriscan coins is often casually identified as Apollo’s, mainly based on the god’s appearance on suggested prototypes for these coins. The issuing authorities most probably recognized the identity of the god portrayed on the coins they imitated, but they interpreted him as their ‘national’ god Belenos/Belinos. The identification of Apollo with this native deity is widespread throughout the Celtic world, with the most persuasive evidence coming from Noricum and the region of Aquileia. It is no wonder that the local Celtic minting authorities chose to portray their ‘national’ god on their coinage, since his worship is attested to in dedicatory inscriptions, sanctuaries, literary testimonies and, perhaps, plastic arts.


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How to Cite

Bilić, T. (2016). Apollo Belenos on Norican and Tauriscan coins. Arheološki Vestnik, 67. Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/av/article/view/7811


