Praetorium and the Emona–Siscia–Sirmium–Tauruno road in the ancient geographical and epigraphic sources


  • Florin-Gheorghe Fodorean


Roman period, the Peutinger map, the Antonine itinerary, Praetorium, the road Emona–Siscia–Sirmium– Tauruno, ancient geography, Roman itineraries


Our contribution considers some data from the Peutinger map and the Antonine itinerary, regarding the mentioning of the Roman road and the stations along this road between the settlements Siscia and Sirmium, along the River Sava. To obtain new results regarding the dating of these two important ancient cartographic sources, I have compared the values of the distances between the settlements recorded in both these itineraries. I have also launched a discussion concerning the mentioning in the Antonine itinerary of the toponym Incero sed mansio augusti in pretorio est, comparable with Ad Praetorium/ Praetorium, recorded in the Peutinger map. In conclusion, I suggested that there are solid arguments in favour of rating the road along the River Sava as one of the earliest routes in Pannonia. Initially, it was a military communication artery, and, as in the whole of the Roman Empire, it became one of the important routes connecting Italy to the Balkans. It was clearly used intensively, and in the late period stations along this road served to supply the infrastructure necessary for the official transportation system. This late state of affairs is reflected in the Antonine itinerary.


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How to Cite

Fodorean, F.-G. (2017). Praetorium and the Emona–Siscia–Sirmium–Tauruno road in the ancient geographical and epigraphic sources. Arheološki Vestnik, 68. Retrieved from



Roman period