Ajdovščina (Castra) – coin finds from the extra muros settlement. The significance of the coins for the interpretation of the site


  • Peter Kos


Slovenia, Roman period, 3rd–5th centuries, Castra (Ajdovščina), coin finds, monetary circulation


The catalogue and analysis encompass 125 Roman coins discovered during archaeological rescue excavations outside of the walls  of Castra (Ajdovščina, Slovenia) in 2006 and 2007. The representation of coins from individual periods does not differ from that offered by the coin finds discovered prior to this period in the area of Castra. Coins from the 1st, 2nd, and first half of the 3rd centuries were represented with only 1.6%, while most coins came from the second half of the 4th century. The structure of the coinage in circulation was similar to that of sites in northeastern Italy. The excellently preserved coins of Honorius from the period of AD 408–423 indicate both a normal influx of coins into circulation and indirectly certain activity in the town at least in the first three decades of the 5th century. The coin finds can chronologically determine in more detail only a few building structures that were uncovered by the archaeological excavations west of the walls, as most of the coins were discovered in layers of destruction.


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How to Cite

Kos, P. (2017). Ajdovščina (Castra) – coin finds from the extra muros settlement. The significance of the coins for the interpretation of the site. Arheološki Vestnik, 68. Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/av/article/view/7773



Roman period