New Insights into the Large, Semi-Urban Late Antique Fortified Settlement of Sv. Pavel above Vrtovin
Slovenia, Sv. Pavel above Vrtovin, Vipava Valley, Late Antiquity, Early Byzantine period, fortified hilltop settlements, field survey, LiDARAbstract
The fortified hilltop settlement of Sv. Pavel above the village of Vrtovin has been known since 1866, but for a long time, it was understood as a prehistoric site. Trial trenches in 1966 confirmed the existence of a late Antique fortified settlement and indicated dense settlement in its northern part. LiDAR surface scanning, field surveys, and various aerial photographs have recently revealed, in addition to several small single-roomed houses on the northern half of the plateau, a large number of variously shaped dwellings on the southern half. An overview of the defensive and residential structures on the site and the water tower below the settlement is presented. A larger double Early Christian church with two well-defined presbyteries is indicated beneath the present St Paul’s church, and a single-nave church with a narthex and baptistery is also visible on the southern side of the settlement. The residential, sacral, and defensive architecture indicates a large semi-urban settlement with central administrative and religious functions. In the second half of the 5th and 6th centuries, the Roman population of the Vipava Valley took refuge there.
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