Isonzian Venetic inscriptions in the light of recent finds


  • Luka Repanšek



the Posočje / Isonzo region, Prehistory, Venetic, paleography, Venetic inscriptions


The article discusses the potentially diagnostic palaeographic features as evidenced by the Venetic inscriptions found in the Posočje region (spanning the area between Kobarid and the upper Idrijca valley). The idiosyncratically Isonzian peculiarities (be it residual features or innovations) in the application of the Venetic alphabet as they have long been established on the basis of the inscriptions Is 1 and Is 2 are juxtaposed with the precious data brought in by the recently uncovered finds in the area (especially *Is 4 and *Is 7, which like Is 1 and Is 2 point to being autochthonous), reassessed and strengthened/weakened through additional evidence, all in the attempt to delineate more precisely the palaeographically individualistic traits of the Posočje group of inscriptions in the Venetic alphabet.


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Author Biography

Luka Repanšek

Oddelek za primerjalno in splošno jezikoslovje
Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani
Aškerčeva 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana


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How to Cite

Repanšek, L. (2022). Isonzian Venetic inscriptions in the light of recent finds. Arheološki Vestnik, 73, 601–615.



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