Bioarchaeological investigations of the Roman cemetery in Marof at Ig (Slovenia): anthropological, archaeozoological and archaeobotanical evidence




Slovenia, Ig, Marof, Roman period, cemetery, anthropology, archaeozoology, archaeobotany


The contribution brings the results of bioarchaeological, more precisely anthropological, archaeozoological and archaeobotanical investigations conducted in the cemetery in Marof at Ig, in the south-eastern Alpine area, where 28 burials were unearthed that span from the second half of the 1st to the late 3rd or early 4th century. The results illuminate several population parameters and the mortuary customs of the people living in the Ig area in Roman times. The anthropological analysis shed light on the age and sex structure of the deceased, as well as the cremation process. The analysis of the animal remains examined the supposed examples of ritually sacrificed and/or offered (parts) of animals both in the sense of provisions/grave goods and as possible building offerings. As for the results of the archaeobotanical study, they could not provide clear evidence of ritual practices (this is only plausible for the fig remains), but did offer a glimpse into the range of plants cultivated in that period, as well as into the contemporary natural vegetation in the Ig area.


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Author Biographies

Borut Toškan

Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU
Inštitut za arheologijo
Novi trg 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Mateja Kovač

Gosposka ulica 17
SI-3000 Celje

Tjaša Tolar

Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU
Inštitut za arheologijo
Novi trg 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana


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How to Cite

Toškan, B., Kovač, M., & Tolar, T. (2022). Bioarchaeological investigations of the Roman cemetery in Marof at Ig (Slovenia): anthropological, archaeozoological and archaeobotanical evidence. Arheološki Vestnik, 73, 281–312.



Roman period