Limestone quarry at Podpeč near Ljubljana (Slovenia) and its products




Slovenia, Podpeč, Emona, Roman period, Lithiotid Limestone Member, microfacial analysis, Roman and modern quarry, stone products


The quarry in Podpeč near Ljubljana is considered the main quarry of the Roman colony Iulia Emona (Ljubljana, Slovenia). The existence of an ancient quarry in Podpeč has been substantiated based solely on the macroscopic similarity between the Lithiotid Limestone Member outcropping in Podpeč and the associated Roman monuments discovered in Ljubljana. In the present work, we have attempted to find tangible archaeological and geoarchaeological evidence for its existence. Archaeological excavations in the form of three trenches were carried out in the northernmost part of the quarry. We determined the lithological composition of limestone discovered in the trenches and the limestone used for the 288 objects found in Ljubljana. The lithological analysis of the monuments from Emona revealed that as many as 182 (or 64%) of the analysed monuments were made of limestone, which is lithologically identical to the types of limestone outcropping in Podpeč. Lithologies represented in monuments also spatially group north of the modern quarry. However, the question of the affiliation of some of the varieties of limestone represented remains open. These limestone types lack diagnostic components and could also belong to the slightly older Krka Limestone Member. Reconstruction of the extent of the ancient quarry was enabled using microfacies comparison of lithostratigraphic source units and objects/ products, as well as with the historical analysis of early cartographic and cadastral documents. Studying the forms of the earliest objects (stelae) also suggests that the earliest monuments were produced by stonemasons who came to the area from the quarry in Aurisina (Italy).


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Author Biographies

Bojan Djurić

Univerza v Ljubljani
Oddelek za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete
Aškerčeva 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Luka Gale

Univerza v Ljubljani
Oddelek za geologijo Naravoslovnotehniške
Aškerčeva 12
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Rok Brajkovič

Geološki zavod Slovenije
Dimičeva ulica 14
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Iris Bekljanov Zidanšek

ARHEJ d.o.o.
Drožanjska cesta 23
SI-8290 Sevnica

Barbara Horn

Univerza v Ljubljani
Oddelek za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete
Aškerčeva 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Edisa Lozić

ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo
Novi trg 5,

Branko Mušič

Univerza v Ljubljani
Oddelek za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete
Aškerčeva 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Marko Vrabec

Univerza v Ljubljani
Oddelek za geologijo Naravoslovnotehniške
Aškerčeva 12,
SI-1000 Ljubljana


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How to Cite

Djurić, B., Gale, L., Brajkovič, R., Bekljanov Zidanšek, I., Horn, B., Lozić, E., Mušič, B., & Vrabec, M. (2022). Limestone quarry at Podpeč near Ljubljana (Slovenia) and its products. Arheološki Vestnik, 73, 155–198.



Roman period