Neolithic drawings in the Bestažovca Cave in the Kras region, Slovenia


  • Andrej Mihevc



Slovenia, Kras, Bestažovca, Perkova pečina, Neolithic, cave, sediment, cryoturbation, cave art, drawings


The Bestažovca Cave is part of an old horizontal cave system reshaped by sediment fill, karst denudation and collapsing. Its main part was originally connected with the Perkova pečina Cave. Later, the creeping sediments closed this connection and created two separate caves. This protected Bestažovca against the influences from the surface, which include visitors. The cave is today accessible through a 25 m deep schaft. In it, we found 32 drawings made with red ochre on the walls and 28 charcoal dots on the ceiling of the Glavni rov (Main passage). The 14C dating of the charcoal samples show that this part of Bestažovca was accessible until about 7000 years BP. The drawings may be of a similar age, which would make them the first Neolithic cave drawings found in Slovenia; though they may also be much earlier.


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Author Biography

Andrej Mihevc

Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU
Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa
Titov trg 2
SI-6230 Postojna


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How to Cite

Mihevc, A. (2022). Neolithic drawings in the Bestažovca Cave in the Kras region, Slovenia. Arheološki Vestnik, 73, 29–47.


