The reasons for road reconstruction reflected in Latin inscriptions on milestones




Roman Empire, Latin inscriptions, Roman milestones, road reconstruction, epigraphic habit, natural impacts


In contrast to previous studies on milestones, which primarily use them as sources for the titulatures of Roman emperors and their building activities as well as for road courses, the presented contribution pursues a superordinate, comparative perspective. It focuses on the reasons for road reconstruction, which are mentioned in the Latin inscriptions on milestones. For this purpose, 250 inscriptions are relevant. Their analysis enables identifying numerous epigraphic habits. The formulations in question show specificities with regard to the region in which they were used, the dating of the milestones, and the individual measures taken in response to typical damage events. The results are presented in the form of extensive lists.


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Author Biography

Ulrike Ehmig

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
Jägerstraße 22/23,
D–10117 Berlin 0049-30-20370-212


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How to Cite

Ehmig, U. (2021). The reasons for road reconstruction reflected in Latin inscriptions on milestones. Arheološki Vestnik, 72, 117–136.



Roman period