Vol. 51 No. 1 (2022): Razprave / Articles

					View Vol. 51 No. 1 (2022): Razprave / Articles

Volume Editors: Jurij Fikfak and Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik

In the first volume of Traditiones 2022, there are five articles. In the first article, Slavec Gradišnik reviews the last decade of the Institute for Slovenian Ethnography, its orientations, and main emphases. A Naterer, L Vrhovnik, and P Škerget analyze in detail the question of thematic fields in Slovenian anthropology of the 21st century. R Mrvič thematizes different perceptions and conceptions of heritage, paying particular attention to the linguistic heritage. B Jezernik, in the discussion, shows the often-overlooked role that priests played in the formation of ethnic and national identity in the local environment. Finally, M Rakonjac, L Pajović Dujović, and S Šubarić discuss traditional and modern wedding rituals in Montenegro.

Published: 02.01.2023