The Last of Seven Decades (1951/2011-2021): The Institute of Slovenian Ethnology and yet Another Decade of Challenges




Institute of Slovenian Ethnology ZRC SAZU, history of ethnology, research projects, science policy


The author looks back on the last decade of work and life at the Institute for Slovenian Ethnography at ZRC SAZU. The first part of the article focuses on the links between the institute’s recent work and initial operation, emphasizing how the discipline (ethnography, ethnography) and the institute have positioned themselves in society. The second part lays out a map of project and program contents from 2011 to 2021, highlighting the interplay between the institute’s established academic interests (its disciplinary and institutional identity) and its engagement with current social topics, which is often dictated by calls for varied research projects. These projects have strongly shaped the institute’s survival in the contemporary research market, defined not only by the edict of “publish or perish” but also that of “submit applied research projects”. The author concludes her analysis of the institute’s experience of the turbulent decade with calls for an open, autonomous, and slow science.


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How to Cite

Slavec Gradišnik, I. (2023). The Last of Seven Decades (1951/2011-2021): The Institute of Slovenian Ethnology and yet Another Decade of Challenges. Traditiones, 51(1), 7–42.



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