Discourse formulae of Confirmation from a Typological Perspective


  • Полина Бычкова [Polina Byčkova]




discourse formulae, lexical typology, pragmatic typology, Construction Grammar, speech acts


This article presents a pilot typological study of pragmatic response constructions such as Tell me about it!, I should think so!, No way!, and so on within the framework of the Moscow Lexical Typology group. It examines the class of discourse formulae with a confirmative meaning in Russian, Slovenian, and Italian based on data from questionnaires and parallel corpora.


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How to Cite

Полина Бычкова [Polina Byčkova]. (2020). Discourse formulae of Confirmation from a Typological Perspective. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 26(2), 111–128. https://doi.org/10.3986/JZ.26.2.08



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