Notes on the Third-Person Perfect Singular of *C(R)eH- Roots in Celtic
Celtic, Gaulish, Old Irish, Vedic, Iranian, verbal morphology, perfectAbstract
This article addresses a few synchronic and diachronic issues connected with the third-person singular active perfect ending of verbal roots in *°eH- in Continental Celtic (Gaulish and Lepontic), based on insights into the verbal forms that can be seen as direct reflexes of the problematic *°oHe-type sequences (such as PIE *dheH1- ʻput, placeʼ and *deH3- ʻgiveʼ) as well as in relation to the verb (i)e/our- ʻbestowʼ, which requires a reappraisal of the diachronic facts around its historical development.
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