Introductory Elements or the Means of Establishing and Maintaining Contact


  • Mira Krajnc Ivič



Spoken language employs several means of establishing and maintaining contact which may be called introductory elements. They explicitly mark the beginning of a conversation, a new topic or conversational replies (sequences). They signal the beginning of communication and in this way the initiator draws the respondents attention to the beginning of communication or to the conversational reply, which means that these signals perform the phatic and the conative functions. According to other functions they perform the introductory elements can be divided into genuine, announcing, relating, connective, performative and semantically void elements. As a rule, their usage changes the illocutionary force of the statement.


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How to Cite

Krajnc Ivič, M. (2015). Introductory Elements or the Means of Establishing and Maintaining Contact. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 10(2).