Author's Commentary and Quotation and their Reporting and Instructive Functions in Serf's Sermon


  • Branka Vičar Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru



The article presents the author's commentaries and quo-tations in Serfs's late Enlightenment collections of sermons Pad no zdig človeka (The fall and the rise of a human, 1832) and Predge na vse Nedele no Svetke (Sermons for all Sundays andfeast days, 1835). In the development of Slovene sermonology these are recognized as traditional intertextual procedures with hypertrophy in Baroque sermons. The reporting and instructivefunctions of author's commentaries is reflected in his modal, evaluative and emotional relationship to the content viz. to the expressive feature of the text, and the quotations function mainly as arguments from a known author or authority. The article also gives a detailed description of means of realization of the roles of the speech act and its context.


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Predge = Serf, Anton, 1835, Predge na vse Nedele no Svetke, I. zvezek, Gradec.

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How to Cite

Vičar, B. (2015). Author’s Commentary and Quotation and their Reporting and Instructive Functions in Serf’s Sermon. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 11(2).