Dictionaries of abbreviations


  • Mojca Kompara




dictionaries of abbreviation, macrostructure, microstructure


This article outlines the presence of abbreviations in general, specialized, monolingual, and bilingual dictionaries. Special emphasis is given to the macro-and microstructure of non-Slovenian dictionaries of abbreviation and the various solutions applied. Available sources for the users are described, the entries in such dictionaries are compared, and the need for a contemporary Slovenian dictionary of abbreviations is explained. The article concludes with guidelines for future development of the online dictionary Slovarček krajšav (Dictionary of Abbreviations).


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How to Cite

Kompara, M. (2015). Dictionaries of abbreviations. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.3986/jz.v16i2.2408