Initiatives for Terminological Interventions in the Terminology Consulting Service




terminology, terminology consulting, terminological intervention, terminology users, terminological principles


The article deals with terminological interventions suggested by users of the Terminology Consulting Service on the Terminologišče website. The analysis shows that the main reasons for terminological interventions are an inappropriate term with regard to the content of a concept, the foreign origin of a term, a term consisting of too many words and a politically incorrect term. The terminological principle of consistency was most frequently used to justify the answers, followed by the terminological principle of content adequacy and the terminological principle of economy.


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How to Cite

Atelšek, S., Fajfar, T., Jemec Tomazin, M., Sitar, J., & Žagar Karer, M. (2024). Initiatives for Terminological Interventions in the Terminology Consulting Service. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 30(1), 219–235.