A Text about an Old Farmhouse in Slovenian Dialects in Austrian Carinthia
Carinthian dialect group, Slovenian dialects in Austria, old farmhouse, Interactive Map of Slovenian Dialect Texts (IKNB)Abstract
This article presents part of the recorded, transcribed, and phonologically standardized variants of a text about an old farmhouse in Slovenian dialects in Austrian Carinthia in Feistritz an der Gail (Bistrica na Zilja), Radsberg (Radiše), Zell-Oberwinkel (Zgornji Kot), Zell-Pfarre (Sele), Selkach (Želuče), Ebriach (Obirsko), and Bleiburg (Pliberk). They were prepared for Interaktivna karta slovenskih narečnih besedil (Interactive Map of Slovenian Dialect Texts, IKNB), where there was no material for this area until now. The introduction describes the difficulties in obtaining the material, and at the end there is a comparison of lexemes in the texts and on the maps of Slovenski lingvistični atlas 2 (Slovenian Linguistic Atlas 2, SLA 2). Both the author and the informants and mediators encountered many difficulties because there are few real dialect speakers in the area or the speakers do not know older expressions.
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- 2023-07-29 (2)
- 2023-07-29 (1)
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