Slovenian Translations in Olof Rudbeck the Elder’s Multilingual Comparative Glossary (1698): New Information for the History of Slovenian Lexicography and for the Analysis of Dictionary Use in the Seventeenth Century
Olof Rudbeck the Elder (1630–1702), Atlantica sive Manheim (1698), Hieronymus Megiser, Thesaurus polyglottus (1603), dictionary, Slovenian, Polish, Croatian, CzechAbstract
The third book of Olof Rudbeck’s work Atlantica from 1698 contains a multilingual comparative glossary with 228 Slovenian words in the Slavonica column, as well as eight Polish, six Croatian, and four Czech words. This article draws attention to the importance of this glossary for the history of Slovenian lexicography, describes how Megiser’s Thesaurus polyglottus from 1603 was used as a template for “Slavic” words, and searches for the exact source Rudbeck used for each word.
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