The Usability of an American Online Learner’s Dictionary from the Point of View of Slovenian Users




raba slovarjev, uporabniki slovarjev, iskanje po slovarju, kakovost slovarskih razlag, ponazarjalno gradivo


This article first presents research into various aspects of dictionary use. This is followed by a report on a qualitative study of dictionary use at the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, during which students were given look-up tasks with the
online Britannica Dictionary. The study results provide insight into the efficacy of the specific dictionary used. The students’ comments demonstrate that they have very firm ideas and high expectations about the type of information they wish to receive in a dictionary, and how they prefer to have it delivered.


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How to Cite

Vrbinc, M., Farina, D. M. ., & Vrbinc, A. (2023). The Usability of an American Online Learner’s Dictionary from the Point of View of Slovenian Users. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 29(2), 189–203.



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