“Now Quickly, Now Again Slowly”: Tempo Modification in and Around Praetorius


  • Domen Marinčič Ljubljana




Michael Praetorius, tempo modification, tactus, performance practice


Michael Praetorius describes tempo modification in a variety of contexts. Performers changed the speed of the tactus according to text and music, to move the affects, in accordance with dynamics or scoring, to adjust to changes in prevailing note-values, and for reasons of variety. Such practices were an important part of performance aesthetics and are confirmed by a number of German and Italian sources.


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How to Cite

Marinčič, D. (2019). “Now Quickly, Now Again Slowly”: Tempo Modification in and Around Praetorius. De Musica Disserenda, 15(1-2), 47–69. https://doi.org/10.3986/dmd15.1-2.03


