Slovenian Twelve-Tone Music


  • Gregor Pompe Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani



Slovenian music, twentieth-century music, twelve-tone composition, twelve-tone set, serialism


Slavko Osterc’s studies with Alois Hába and subsequent attendance at ISCM festivals triggered his interest in twelve-tone technique. In his first attempts before the Second World War (around 1936) and at the beginning of the 1960s the technique was employed very cautiously, not following the strict logic and system of the method. The f irst fully developed t welve-tone compositions were written by Primož Ramovš and Alojz Srebotnjak in 1961, but these two very distinctive exponents of twelve-tone technique later abandoned the method: the 1970s were the time of post-serialism and postmodernism.


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How to Cite

Pompe, G. (2018). Slovenian Twelve-Tone Music. De Musica Disserenda, 14(2), 89–112.


