Rites for the Sick and Dying in Sources from Klosterneuburg


  • Elaine Stratton Hild Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, Universität Würzburg




Klosterneuburg, double house, women, unction, dying


This article investigates extant documents from the Augustinian canonry of Klosterneuburg (Codices Claustroneoburgenses 628, 629, 1022A, and 1022B) to gain insight into the community’s rites for the sick and dying. The sources largely agree in the material prescribed for the rites. Scribal annotations and signs of use within the manuscripts indicate that the same rites were used for both the men and women of the double house; the manuscripts’ rubrics also leave open the possibility that men and women participated in the rites together.


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How to Cite

Stratton Hild, E. (2018). Rites for the Sick and Dying in Sources from Klosterneuburg. De Musica Disserenda, 14(2), 7–24. https://doi.org/10.3986/dmd14.2.01


