Franciscan eighteenth-century choir books from Novo mesto


  • Radovan Škrjanc



church music, Franciscans, eighteenth-century music


The paper presents some basic information about the musical and liturgical contents as well as the origin of eight eighteenth-century choir books preserved in the library of the Franciscan monastery in Novo mesto. They are manuscripts of a rather specific music repertory used by Franciscans at their religious services. A more detailed analysis of this repertory and its comparison with contemporary Franciscan music from other parts of central Europe should still be done in the future. The same is true for examining this repertory from the viewpoint of its influence on the growth of church music in Slovenia in the eighteenth century.


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Author Biography

Radovan Škrjanc

 Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti


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How to Cite

Škrjanc, R. (2015). Franciscan eighteenth-century choir books from Novo mesto. De Musica Disserenda, 10(2), 65–86.


