The Artistic Legacy of the von Klarwill Family in Podsmreka Manor near Višnja Gora




new nobility, art collections, migration, castle furnishings, Podsmreka, Vienna, Klarwill, provenance


The article analyses two late 18th century cabinet genre paintings kept in Podsmreka manor near Višnja Gora until the end of WWII and now in a private collection in Ljubljana. Based on the coat-of-arms on the wax seal and other labels on the back of the paintings, it can be confirmed that they originate from the collection of Isidor Ritter von Klarwill (1842–1898) in Vienna, part of which was transferred to Podsmreka in then Kingdom of Yugoslavia by Isidor’s grandson Peter Klarwill. Based on archival sources, the article sheds light on the hitherto unknown circumstances of the transfer of a part of the Klarwill collection to Podsmreka in 1935, the sale of the Podsmreka manor to Anton Verovšek in 1939, and the fate of the manor’s furnishings and art collection after the end of WWII. Upon the sale of the castle to the state in 1948, several items were transferred from the manor to state museum collections. Their Viennese provenance has been traced and confirmed for the first time in this paper.


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Author Biography

Tina Košak

Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta
Novi trg 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Univerza v Mariboru
Filozofska fakulteta
Koroška cesta 160
SI-2000 Maribor


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2023-09-08 — Updated on 2023-09-13


How to Cite

Košak T. (2023). The Artistic Legacy of the von Klarwill Family in Podsmreka Manor near Višnja Gora. Acta Historiae Artis Slovenica, 28(1). (Original work published September 8, 2023)


