Franz Carl Remp between Graz and Vienna
Franz Carl Remp, Baroque painting, patronage, Ignaz Maria Attems, Brežice Castle, Palais Attems in GrazAbstract
Between 1704/1705 and 1710 Franz Carl Remp lived in Graz and while in the service of Ignaz Maria Count of Attems participated in the furnishing of the newly built Palais Attems. At the same time, he produced altar paintings for churches in Graz, Stainz, and Voitsberg. Remp and his family moved then to Vienna – 1711 at the latest – and during this time he mainly worked for the Kremsmünster Benedictine monastery and the St. Florian Augustinian Canons’ monastery. Remp’s works for the Palais Attems are stylistically heterogeneous. Since they were several years in the making, the differences could be a consequence of the intended placement of the paintings, and especially of Remp’s artistic development during the execution of the large commission. Among his later works, the cycle of historical paintings for the Kremsmünster monastery, which was finished in 1713, is particularly recognized for the richness of its composition and painting. The sopraporte for the St. Florian’s monastery attest to Remp’s maturation as a painter during his Viennese period.
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