The importance of water accumulation of snow cover measurements in mountainous regions of Slovenia


  • Matej Ogrin
  • Jaka Ortar


Ključne besede:

snow cover, water accumulation of snow cover, weight of snow, Upper Sava valley, Bohinj ridge


Snow cover is a frequent phenomenon in Slovenia and even in the lowlands of the interior regions, it can last for several weeks. The properties of snow and winter weather after the snow cover has formed, determine the load of snow upon houses, trees and other objects. Water accumulation of snow cover (WASC) gives us the amount of water in snow and therefore also the weight of snow. Deep snow cover can soak its own melting water from the surface, so WASC does not decrease as fast as one would conclude from the intensity of melting. WASC is also a good indicator of winter precipitation where precipitation stations are rare and precipitation gradients are big. The researches carried out in the winter 2005/2006 showed that precipitation in the central part of the Bohinj ridge in the Slovenian Julian Alps, was about 50% higher than at its northern edge, where the meteorological station Vogel is located.


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Kako citirati

Ogrin, M., & Ortar, J. (2007). The importance of water accumulation of snow cover measurements in mountainous regions of Slovenia. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 47(1), 47–71.


