The Inclusion of Multicultural Education Contents in Geography Curricula and Textbooks


  • Natalija Vrečer


multicultural education, curricula, textbooks, geography, internal material for primary school for adults


The article presents an analysis of curricula and textbooks, and analyses the extent to which they in- clude the contents related to multicultural education. The focus is on the analysis of primary school geography curricula and textbooks. Adaptations of primary school textbooks for adults were also analysed (the internal materials of adult education institutions). The content analysis method was applied. The hypothesis of the article is that multicultural education contents are not sufficiently included in the curricula and textbooks analysed, so the education system in Slovenia cannot fully develop as multicultural education. The results of the research confirmed the hypothesis; they showed that multicultural education contents are not sufficiently included in the curricula and textbooks of geography in order for the educational system in Slovenia to develop as multicultural education.


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Author Biography

Natalija Vrečer

Doktorica socialne antropologije, znanstvena sodelavka na Andragoškem centru Slovenije in Inštitutu za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana


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How to Cite

Vrečer, N. . (2012). The Inclusion of Multicultural Education Contents in Geography Curricula and Textbooks. Two Homelands, (36). Retrieved from


