Control over Migrants and Migration Movements in Imperial Austria from the 18th century to WWI




migration control, migration regime, migration policy, WWI, Imperial Austria


The article deals with migration control in Imperial Austria from the times of Maria Theresa up to the end of WWI. It examines the transition from the absolutistic migration regime to the deregulation and the liberalisation of migration in the second half of the 19th century, the restrictions on freedom of movement and the treatment of enemy aliens during the war, and the post-war implementation of the state regulation of migration. Special emphasis is placed on the control and limitations of freedom of emigration in the laissez-faire period from the 1860s to WWI. The need for a differentiated approach to the topic is also addressed because of regional and local differences in implementing the migration legislation.


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Author Biography

Aleksej Kalc

Dr. zgodovinske antropologije, izredni profesor, višji znanstveni sodelavec, Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana


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How to Cite

Kalc, A. (2016). Control over Migrants and Migration Movements in Imperial Austria from the 18th century to WWI. Two Homelands, (44).


