Transformation of a Strictly Controlled Border Area into a Tourist Destination

Making Heritage in Communist Hungary


  • Ágota Lídia Ispán Research Center for the Humanities, Institute of Ethnology, Tóth Kálmán Street 4, H-1097 Budapest



socialist modernization, nature conservation, heritage making under communism, Őrség Nature Reserve


The Őrség National Reserve was founded on the borderland of Hungary in the communist period. The role of the region was reinterpreted in two different ways (modernization and environmental protection). The aim of the paper is analyzing the different concepts, and the process of heritage making.



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How to Cite

Ispán, Ágota L. (2019). Transformation of a Strictly Controlled Border Area into a Tourist Destination: Making Heritage in Communist Hungary. Traditiones, 48(1), 77–100.

