“Dispersed World, Dispersed Legacy.” Photographic Narratives of the First World War on the Basis of Polish “Archives”


  • Dagnosław Demski Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Warsaw, Poland




First World War, Poland, memory, legacy and heritage, museum exhibitions, digital photo archives // prva svetovna vojna, Poljska, spomin, dediščina in dediščina, muzejske razstave, digitalni foto arhivi


The article examines the subject of memory of the First World War in Poland (by the end of 2016), and deals with issue of presenting it by the Polish Army Museum, selected local regional museums and National Digital Archives (NAC). Author analysis, how different ways of commemorating or simply presenting events related to the First World war are shaped and constructed through localization of institution (central or regional), or using particular media (photo digital archive).


Članek preučuje spomine na prvo svetovno vojno na Poljskem (do konca leta 2016) in se ukvarja z vprašanjem, kako so predstavljeni v Muzeju Poljske vojske, v nekaterih lokalnih regionalnih muzejih in nacionalnih digitalnih arhivih (NAC). Avtor analizira, kako se oblikujejo in gradijo različni načini spominjanja in predstavitve dogodkov, povezanih s prvo svetovno vojno, bodisi z lokalizacijo institucije (centralne ali regionalne) bodisi z uporabo določenih medijev (foto digitalni arhiv).


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How to Cite

Demski, D. (2018). “Dispersed World, Dispersed Legacy.” Photographic Narratives of the First World War on the Basis of Polish “Archives”. Traditiones, 47(1), 153–165. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2018470108



Monuments and Cemeteries / Spomeniki in pokopališča