Materialna religija in cerkvena arhitektura v kulturološki analizi: teoretska bližnjica


  • Jens Wietschorke Institute for European Ethnology, University of Wien, Hanuschgasse 3, A-1010 Wien, Austria


Ključne besede:

architecture, church buildings, sacred space, material religion, atmospheres, emotions // arhitektura, cervene zgradbe, sveti prostor, materialna religija, razpoloženje, čustva


This paper provides some theoretical framework for the cultural analysis of church architecture. It suggests a classification of three basic research approaches: the symptomatic reading, praxeological analysis and ethnographic study of architecture. Furthermore, it is shown how these approaches of architectural research can be implemented with regard to sacred space. Overall, the paper underlines that a comprehensive cultural analysis of built structures has to make use of all the proposed concepts together.


Članek ponuja teoretski okvir za kulturološko analizo cerkvene arhitekture. Predlaga tri osnovne raziskovalne pristope: simptomatično branje, prakseološko analizo in etnografsko raziskavo arhitekture. Pokaže, kako je mogoče te pristope raziskovanja arhitekture uporabiti v svetem prostoru. Poudarjeno je, da celovita kulturna analiza grajenih struktur lahko pridobi z upoštevanjem vseh predloženih konceptov skupaj.


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Kako citirati

Wietschorke, J. (2018). Materialna religija in cerkvena arhitektura v kulturološki analizi: teoretska bližnjica. Traditiones, 47(3), 51–61.

