Zakaj igrati in peti: vloga ljudskih iger in ljudskih pesmi v vsakdanjem življenju


  • Katalin Lázár Zenetudományi Intézet, Magyar Tudományos Akademia, Táncsics M. u. 7., 1014 Budapest, Madžarska


Ključne besede:

games, singing // igre, petje


Playing helps us in learning and developing more kinds of skills, further in developing our emotional world, not only in traditional society but in any time and any place. Singing strengthens collective consciousness and identity. Besides, playing and singing as basic forms of entertainment assure enjoying ourselves to us. We have to learn and do them for the sake of living a perfect life: to be able to express our joy and to amuse ourselves.


Igranje pomaga pri učenju in razvijanju številnih sposobnosti, pa tudi pri razvoju čustvenega sveta, ne le v tradicionalni družbi, ampak v katerem koli prostoru in času. Petje krepi kolektivno zavest in identiteto. Poleg tega igranje in petje kot osnovni obliki zabave zagotavljata, da uživamo tudi sami s seboj. Zato se ju moramo učiti in s petjem in igranjem izražati svoje veselje in se zabavati.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.


Avedon, Elliott M. and Brian Sutton-Smith. 1971. The Study of Games. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

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Huizinga, Johan. 1944. Homo ludens. Kísérlet a kultúra játékelemeinek meghatározására. (Man as Player: A Study of the Play Element in Culture, Hungarian translation of Homo ludens. Proeve eener bepaling van het spel-element der cultuur, 1938). Budapest: Athenaeum.

Lackovits, Emőke. 1999. Role Games in the Villages of the Balaton Hills between 1910 and 1940. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 44(1–2): 79–84. DOI:

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Vissel, Anu. 1997. The Traditional and the Recent in Modern Schoolchildren’s Games. Journal of the Baltic Institute of Folklore 2(1): 134–183.



Kako citirati

Lázár, K. (2005). Zakaj igrati in peti: vloga ljudskih iger in ljudskih pesmi v vsakdanjem življenju. Traditiones, 34(1), 191–197.



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